
Line Cooks

In Three Easy Steps You Can Make Your Best Line Cook Into Your Worst Chef

Having a chef walk out the door can be a stressful time for independent restaurateurs. The question is, “What do you do now?” In addition to knowing all the recipes, the Chef knew how to order for a busy holiday weekend. So he could pick up the prep cook, whose car always breaks down, for […]

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Intuition is Great but Data is Better

In the fast-paced world of the restaurant industry, where success hinges on serving excellent food, providing top-notch service, and maintaining a unique ambiance, making informed decisions is essential. While the traditional reliance on gut feelings and intuition has its merits, the access of data has introduced a paradigm shift in restaurant management. Data-driven approaches are

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Ex-cons working in kitchen

A Great Solution to Your Restaurant’s Staffing Problems: Hire an Ex-Con!  

Hiring previously incarcerated individuals can bring several benefits to your restaurant:  Access to a larger talent pool: Many previously incarcerated individuals face challenges finding employment due to the stigma associated with their past. By being open to hiring them, your restaurant can tap into a pool of potential employees who are often overlooked by other

A Great Solution to Your Restaurant’s Staffing Problems: Hire an Ex-Con!   Read More »

Investor Pitch

How To Get Funding To Open Your Restaurant

Getting funding for opening a restaurant can be a challenging task, but with a well-prepared plan and strategic approach, you can increase your chances of success. Here are some steps to help you secure funding for your restaurant: Develop a winning concept: There are two ways to approach the creation of your restaurant. A. You

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Why Are Restaurant Managers Not Visible Anymore?

On Father’s Day, my family took me to a pancake restaurant in downtown Atlanta. It’s one of those portfolio add-ons to a restaurant group that has already earned their wings through more ambitious dinner concepts, so this one, I suppose, was created because…well…why not? I’ve been to this restaurant three or four times and each

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How to Build a Strong Online Presence for Your Restaurant

Building a strong online presence for your restaurant is crucial in today’s digital age. It can help you attract new customers, engage with your existing ones, and enhance your overall brand image. Here are some tips to help you build a strong online presence for your restaurant, covering website design, social media marketing, and online

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6 Ways Independent Restaurants Can Better Compete with Chains

Independent restaurants face a tough challenge in the highly competitive world of the restaurant industry, especially when it comes to competing with large chain restaurants. Chains have the advantage of economies of scale, established brand recognition, and access to vast resources. However, independent restaurateurs can still thrive and compete effectively by focusing on their strengths,

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How Restaurant Owners Can Stop Making the Same Mistakes

Sales are down, profits are almost nonexistent, you are getting bad reviews online, and you cannot keep good staff. What do you do? Sadly, most restauranteurs turn to the same reactionary solutions, but they never work. Solution Number 1: Hire New Managers Seems like a good idea. Bring in some new talent, but you soon

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5 Ways to Capture Summer Sales

Summer is a great time for restaurants to increase their profits. With warmer weather, longer days, and more people going out to dine, there are plenty of opportunities for restaurants to attract new customers and boost their sales. Let’s explore some tips on how restaurants can maximize their profits this summer. Update Your Menu –

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